Thursday, November 8, 2012

"This I Believe" Essay

 Robert will promote learning success for his students that need to pass the writing component of the state's English/language arts by integrating technology. For the drafting part of the "This I Believe" essay students can use speech recognition software to turn their spoken ideas into written text. With this technology it allows students to brainstorm and freely speak of their ideas for their essays. Students can also use their ipods to record vocal podcasts and then replay all their recorded ideas and personal values. For the revising part of the essay students can use grammar and spell check programs. Handheld spellers and dictionaries will also help the students revise/edit their essays. Each student may want to present their essay in a different technological form rather than just the usual pen and paper. Some examples may be power point presentations, movie-making software, digital portfolios and many more. When it comes time to read and hear other types of " This I Believe" essays, Robert can use the digital projector to find and read essays out loud and also use screen reading software.  Students can build their confidence by grasping and knowing that any word or picture in their head is interesting and important, with technology students can build and build on their confidence knowing that they having something to say, something to revise, something to reflect and something to write. After the "This I Believe" essays, students should feel more confident on being writers as well as being better writers in general. With further practice and newly gained confidence the students shall perform successfully on the state's English/language arts writing component as well as keep writing skills that will last beyond the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Like your 'take' in this response - technology can be used to not only replace the traditional 'analog' tools, but often even transform the learning in an entirely unique way! :) You do want to take advantage of technology (yourself!) - i.e., blogging - by hyperlinking the software you mention! :)
