Thursday, November 15, 2012

Engaging Teachers and Students in Learning and Self-Reflection

Focus Question: How can teachers use student participation systems as effective assessment methods?

    Teachers can use student participation systems for effective assessment methods by changing the experience of the classroom. Students who are usually frightened,discouraged, and/or embarrassed when not knowing an answer may avoid answering the teacher by looking down at their desk, avoid raising their hands, and give answer such as "I don't know" when called upon. Using student participation systems, it allows the members of the classroom to respond collectively while the educator is able to produce a quick assessment on the academic material  to get an idea of what the members of the classroom know or still need to know.

Tech Tool:

     Discussed in this chapter is the student participation system itself. Using clickers students are able to answer questions instantly. Educators may set up true/false, multiple choice, yes/no, even short answer questions that can be easily integrated into every lesson. With these clickers educators may instantly get the results of the classroom formed into a pie chart to see if students understand the lesson with the amount of correct answers.

Video Credit to SMARTclassrooms on YouTube

Summary & Connection:

       This is the second product I incorporate from the SMART corporation. This is the future. As a future educator I hope that by the time I step into a classroom, this technology will be available for my usage as well as for the benefit of its members. If not I hope to be the voice in order to get these in our classrooms. From using student participation assessment systems such as clickers to using preassessments such as surveys from Survey Monkey to better determine what my students may know or can already do in order to better shape my plans for teaching.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"This I Believe" Essay

 Robert will promote learning success for his students that need to pass the writing component of the state's English/language arts by integrating technology. For the drafting part of the "This I Believe" essay students can use speech recognition software to turn their spoken ideas into written text. With this technology it allows students to brainstorm and freely speak of their ideas for their essays. Students can also use their ipods to record vocal podcasts and then replay all their recorded ideas and personal values. For the revising part of the essay students can use grammar and spell check programs. Handheld spellers and dictionaries will also help the students revise/edit their essays. Each student may want to present their essay in a different technological form rather than just the usual pen and paper. Some examples may be power point presentations, movie-making software, digital portfolios and many more. When it comes time to read and hear other types of " This I Believe" essays, Robert can use the digital projector to find and read essays out loud and also use screen reading software.  Students can build their confidence by grasping and knowing that any word or picture in their head is interesting and important, with technology students can build and build on their confidence knowing that they having something to say, something to revise, something to reflect and something to write. After the "This I Believe" essays, students should feel more confident on being writers as well as being better writers in general. With further practice and newly gained confidence the students shall perform successfully on the state's English/language arts writing component as well as keep writing skills that will last beyond the classroom.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies

Focus Question: What is multimedia technology and how can teachers use it to effectively create and share visual information dynamically in their teaching?

  Multimedia is the presentation of material using both words and pictures. Using media tools that integrate sound, voice, animation, and video. Teachers can effectively create and share visual information dynamically in their teaching by using tools such as Powerpoint, educational DVDs, podcasts, television programs and many more.

Tech Tool: Interactive Whiteboards

    Interactive Whiteboards are changing the way teachers teach and present lessons in the classroom. SMART is leading the way in using interactive whiteboards in classrooms. Products from whiteboards, projectors, and even interactive response. Using interactive whiteboards allows teachers to connect to students on more than one level.

Summary & Connection:

   Multimedia technology, when used properly can be used very effectively in order to change the way teachers teach, dynamically. Using tools that go beyond the basic teaching style within a classroom like a SMART interactive whiteboard, Powerpoint presentations, podcasts, and so much more can reach each student on every level.