Focus Question: What is information management and digital content
A business term generally used to describe how organizations keep track of data for making decisions and setting policies. Information management when applied to teachers and students is the organizing, storing, and administering of all the different kinds of electronic information that need to be handled professionally and academically.Tech Tool: Delicious
Delicious is a web based bookmarking tool that organizes all your bookmarks in one place! Using tags one may organizes each link with keywords that cue you to the information on any particular link. Once this website was shown to me personally I was mad I did not hear about it before. In times during research papers, where at school I would find one good site to only go home and not be able to find that same information. With Delicious you can bookmark a site and then be able to open it back up again at any working Internet browser.Summary & Connection:
With this chapter we see how beneficial it is to use online resources and websites for information management with resources like Delicious for bookmarking and webquests and virtual field trips that help engage lesson plans. Educational websites make for great teaching resources with lesson plans and classroom activities like PBS Teachers and PBS Kids.
Yes, delicious is an invaluable tool and can be used for more than just management when you tap into the 'social' collaborative nature! :)